The College of Tourism Belgrade
Belgrade, Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 152a
+381 11 2698 222

Specialized studies

UPT1 Management of Tourist Destination Promotion 6

Basic info



Management in Tourism, Tour Operations Management


Serbian and English

Course description

Different aspects of tourist product. Specific characterisitcs of tourist products on offer. Destination product as the most complex tourist product. Specific tourist markets and their characterisitcs. Creating tourist product for specific markets. Tourist offer clusters and synergy in creating cluster products. New products in tourism and anticipating future trends in tourist offer. Managing tourist product in states of emergency and critical periods. Role of promotional mix in tourism. Structure and organization of promotional activities. Promotion of corporate and destination product and their special features. Importance of promotion in managing tourist products and penetrating new markets. Using modern technologies in promotion in tourism and future trends of its development. Importance of tourist organizations in global destination management. Public relations as part of promotional mix in contemporary tourist market.

Large numbers of case studies showing good and bad examples of tourist destination development, management of developing and creating tourist products and using promotion in tourism.


  1. L. Moutinho, Стратешки менаџмент у туризму, Masmedia, Zagreb, 2005
  2. O. Bakić, Marketing menadžment turističke destinacije, EDUCONS Univeristy, 2009
  3. C. Cooper, J. Fletcher, A. Fyall, D. Gilbert, S. Wanhill, Tourism, Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall, 2008

Classes per week


Grading (max. points 100)

Pre-exam Requirements Points
Attendance 10
Preliminary Test 20
Seminar 10
Final Exam Points
Written -
Oral 60