The College of Tourism Belgrade
Belgrade, Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 152a
+381 11 2698 222

College Council

President: Dr Georgi Genov

Vice President: Dr Branislav Rabotić

Pursuant to Article 33 of the Statute of the College of Tourism in Belgrade and in accordance with the Law on Higher Education, the Council is the principal managing body with a three-year mandate to exercise legislative power, i.e. to adopt, amend and supplement the Statute and other important documents so as to secure proper functioning of the educational institution. It also manages the College funds and properties, makes decisions on study programs for accreditation, discusses appeals, elects and dismisses College Director, Council President and Vice President. It consists of 17 members, out of which nine are elected from the teaching and two from the non-teaching staff. Student Parliament participates with three representatives equal to the number of appointed members from the Ministry of Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.