The College of Tourism Belgrade
Belgrade, Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 152a
+381 11 2698 222

Undergraduate studies - Economics and Tourism

TAG2 Travel Agency Operations 8

Basic info




Tourism, Management in Tourism, Tour Operators & Tour Guiding, Hotel Management


Serbian and English

Course description

The analysis commences with the position and role of agencies in tourism market as well as the basic features of tour operators and travel agencies service program. Special attention is paid to the analysis of package tour as well as the changes in the market and current business strategies. The origin and development of travel agencies, the role of travel agencies and tour operators, travel agency operations and sustainable tourism. Tour operators and travel agency operations, regulations, location and travel agency equipment, necessary recourses for operations, business tools. Travel agency business partners (hotels, carriers and other enterprises), contracts as the legal basis of cooperation. Creation, promotion and implementation of package tours - drawing up itineraries, obtaining services within the package, cost calculation based on expenses and used capacity as well the effects of demand and competition, modes of selling packages, promotional activities. Preparing the package for completion and techniques of executing certain operations. Package calculation. Tour operator's responsibility and consumer protection.


  1. Spasić, V., Rabotić, B., Poslovanje turističkih agencija, Visoka turistička škola strukovnih studija, Beograd, 2010

Classes per week


Grading (max. points 100)

Pre-exam Requirements Points
Attendance 10
Preliminary Test 25
Seminar 10
Final Exam Points
Written -
Oral 55